Monday, November 23, 2009

New Moon with my Sistas

And a few of our daughters, including one of mine. It doesn't get much better than that. So, of course, there was some bead makin' fun.
LOVED New Moon! Much better than Twilight. Bella........I think, is kind of a crappy actress, but her looks are perfect. ALL characters have been EXACTLY how I would have pictured them thus far. Except for Edward. But he's growing on me. I might be switching from Team Edward to Team Jacob. Seriously. Wow. I'm glad there was no "running fast" or "tree climbing" scenes. They were kinda corny. I'm giving it 2 thumbs up.


  1. Your review is exactly like mine! Loved the movie much better this time. I think Kristen Stewart has no emotion, and as far as the movies go I am Team Jacob. I'm still Team Edward as far as the books go though!

  2. Haha I agree completely. I think the way she shakes her head everytime she has to say something serious is really annoying. And I was so glad there were no running up tree scenes, maybe just the clip where Bella was suppossed to be a vampire. That was cheesey for sure. :) and yes, I vote te Edward for Bella and team Jacob for me. :)

  3. I'm so jealous you have seen New Moon. When I found out my due date that was seriously the first thing that came to my mind: "I hope I still get to go to New Moon in theaters." I know, how lame. Of course I want to do pics. I was thinking like next Thursday evening or even the week after that. It would have to be evening because Zeb works until about 3 or 4. Let me know what works for you.

  4. Great photos. Agree about Bella, not a great actress, but the rest are spot on.
