Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Vintage actions for photoshop

I got these cool actions from this website. Alexis has AWESOME ideas to share (concerning photography and photoshop) and also has AWESOME freebies.

Original photo.

Warm and cool vintage actions.

Original photo.

Warm and cool vintage actions.
And here's one with a little more color in the photo. The lovely Corinne!


  1. Eileen I just love your pictures! And the vintage is way cool, I like it a lot

  2. These turned out great! I visited the website you linked to and it made me want an awesome camera like yours even more than I did before!

  3. ok, so i think it's slightly creepy that you take pictures of your granddaughter while she's sleeping...i'm just sayin' ;)

  4. I am so exited to try those out. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I love those and I want them! Thank you so much for sharing!
