Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My adorable DIL

just started selling Mary Kay. I want her to come up and show me how it works. Believe it or not, I've never had a Mary Kay facial! Is anyone interested in coming over for some girlie fun? It would have to be on a weekend, cuz that's when she can come up. LMKThere would be NO pressure to buy!


  1. I am all for the girlie fun! I use to use Mary Kay all of the time but then I lost my consultant, so who knows, I might even buy some!

    repta...hmmm sounds kind of like some new virus or strange new dinosaur.

  2. I want to play about if we do it at my house?! I would provide some yummy food. ;-)

    Mom, you have GOT to change the settings on Robyn's "comments". You fixed yours (thanks) but hers is buggin'.

  3. UH-OH. Did I screw up Robyn's comments?? If you need a fix, just ask!

    If you do this Mary Kay party let me know.

  4. They are such a cute couple! Sorry, my sister sells MK!

  5. so i want to play make-up! She'll do great at selling!

  6. Haha, that's so ironic, because I just BARELY started up doing Mary Kay, I still have to go through some training, but honestly, I feel like I need to go to some parties to get a feel for how some people do it. haha I wish her all the luck! (I'm kinda nervous)

  7. I love mary kay's satin hands,its amazing!! I posted new pics, I can't believe it took me this long to take pics!! Embarassing!!

  8. Sounds fun! She IS cute! I need a serious makeover.
